Category: philosophical


The Orthodox Christian Justification for Resistance to Evil by Force

There’s a complex balance within the sphere of Orthodox Christianity regarding how adherents are called to respond to evil. While the teachings of Christ center upon love, forgiveness, and non-retaliation, there exists a long-standing tradition of justifying resistance to evil by force in specific situations. This essay seeks to unravel this theological justification within Orthodox Christianity, highlighting the importance of defending one’s neighbor, the Church, and standing up for beliefs, even to the point of war.

A fundamental aspect of understanding the Orthodox Christian perspective on force is grasping the concept of malice, or evil intent. St. John Cassian, an influential Church Father, emphasized that anger in itself is not sinful, but it’s the spirit of hatred or revenge that constitutes sin. Therefore, force exerted without malice, in defense of righteousness or protection of the innocent, can find its place within Christian morality.

The Orthodox Church has a long tradition of monastic warriors, the embodiment of holy resistance against evil. The concept of the “holy warrior” is embedded in the history of Christianity, as seen in the emergence of military orders, such as the Knights Templar. St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s treatise “In Praise of the New Knighthood” provides an early theological justification for these military-monastic orders. Bernard argued that these knights, driven by their Christian duty, wield the sword not in vengeance but in defense of the Church and innocent lives.

Similarly, in the realm of just war theory, the use of force is considered morally justifiable under specific conditions, including a rightful intention, as a last resort, and when there’s a reasonable chance of success. In Orthodox Christianity, just war theory aligns with Christ’s teachings on justice, love for one’s neighbor, and the responsibility to protect those who can’t protect themselves.

Notably, in his essay “On Resistance to Evil by Force,” Russian Christian philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin asserts that Christian love does not equate to inaction in the face of evil. Christians are called to uphold justice, and there may be circumstances where the use of force is a necessity, not for revenge but for the protection of oneself and others. Thus, Orthodox Christians are not called to be pacifists but active defenders of righteousness and protectors of their neighbors.

At times, it may seem like a contradiction – a religion based on love and forgiveness, sanctioning the use of force. However, it is the intent, the circumstances, and the ultimate goal of justice and protection that distinguishes the righteous use of force from acts of aggression or revenge. In Orthodoxy, the dispassionate taking up of the sword is a burden borne out of necessity, and not a departure from Christian values, but a solemn duty to uphold them.

In conclusion, Orthodox Christianity provides theological justification for the resistance to evil by force, firmly grounded in the commitment to protect one’s neighbor, the Church, and the sanctity of their beliefs. The loving heart of Orthodoxy does not negate the responsibility to act against evil, but rather it is the very foundation upon which this responsibility rests.


  1. Merton, T. (1991). “The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century.” Shambhala.
  2. Bernard of Clairvaux. (1950). “In Praise of the New Knighthood.” Cistercian Publications.
  3. Regan, R. J. (1996). “Just War: Principles and Cases.” Catholic University of America Press.
  4. Ilyin, I. A. (1957). “On Resistance to Evil by Force.” Liberty Fund.


The State’s Failing Responsibilities and the Aspirations of Black Shield International

Nations are founded on the promise of fulfilling several fundamental responsibilities for their citizens – ensuring law and order, delivering healthcare, securing food availability, combating human trafficking, and defining and defending borders. However, both developing and developed states across the world are increasingly unable to meet these obligations. Misguided foreign adventurism and ill-conceived policies have further exacerbated these issues. In this context, organizations like Black Shield International (BSI) have the potential to play a significant role in filling these gaps.

The Failing State

Around the world, many states are struggling to maintain their basic responsibilities. Internal conflicts, economic difficulties, and ineffective governance have led to a breakdown in law and order. Healthcare systems, even in developed countries, are overwhelmed and under-resourced. Food security is increasingly threatened by unstable markets and agricultural challenges.

Human trafficking is escalating, even in nations with robust legal systems, while prosecution rates remain discouragingly low. Issues surrounding border control and national sovereignty have become contentious, with states unable to manage migration effectively and humanely.

Backlash Against Foreign Adventurism and Misguided Policies

Foreign adventurism, particularly unsuccessful military interventions, has often led to prolonged conflicts, state collapse, and humanitarian crises, rather than delivering stability and democracy. Many of these interventions have been perceived as impositions of Western neoconservative ideals, resulting in global resentment.

Likewise, well-intentioned but poorly-conceived policies promoted by activists can often have unintended negative consequences. Without considering local cultural contexts and without engaging the community, these policies can result in alienation and resistance.

The Aspirations of KHI

KHI, an organization grounded in practical humanitarianism and guided by the values of the historic Knights Hospitaller, aspires to help bridge these gaps. While Black Shield International (OBS) doesn’t currently possess all the capabilities mentioned, it strives to develop the following functions:

Law and Order: Black Shield International (OBS) aims to establish an Order of the Guardian (Ordo Custos), to support communities in maintaining security, order, and peace.

Healthcare: Black Shield International (OBS) intends to create an Order of the Hospitaller (Ordo Hospitalis) to provide crucial medical services, supplementing state healthcare systems.

Food Stability: Black Shield International (OBS) seeks to form an Order of the Fields (Ordo Agraria) focusing on promoting sustainable agriculture and food security.

Counter Trafficking: Black Shield International (OBS) plans to develop intelligence networks to gather and share intelligence on trafficking networks, aiding law enforcement efforts.

Border Management: Black Shield International (OBS) aspires to provide support for displaced people, promoting humane migration management.

In conclusion, at a time when states are increasingly failing in their basic responsibilities, organizations like Black Shield International (OBS) can play a significant role. With its comprehensive, community-focused approach, Black Shield International (OBS) aspires to help restore stability and trust in these challenging times.



  1. Fukuyama, F. (2004). State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century. Cornell University Press.
  2. World Bank. (2017). World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law. World Bank.
  3. The Lancet. (2018). Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet.
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (2022). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World. FAO.
  5. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). (2020). Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020. UNODC.
  6. Migration Policy Institute. (2020). Border Management and Migration Controls. MPI.
  7. Bacevich, A. J. (2016). America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History. Random House.
  8. Walt, S. M. (2005). Taming American Power: The Global Response to U.S. Primacy. W. W. Norton & Company.
  9. Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. Penguin Press.


Black Shield International : Championing the Balance of Faith, Service, and Stabilization in the Middle East


Black Shield International (BSI), deeply rooted in the ethos of Orthodox Christianity and committed to the defense of the faith and faithful, is uniquely positioned to act as a stabilizing force in the Middle East. Their efforts, particularly in Syria, focus on supporting the Antiochian Orthodox Church, defending Christian communities, and fostering peace and coexistence. BSI’s strategic approach goes beyond conventional defense by addressing the rise of extremism and fostering sustainable local systems, mitigating the drivers of forced migration, and creating lasting solutions for those displaced by conflict.

Faith-Driven Humanitarian Initiatives [^1]

BSI is dedicated to building trust and offering targeted assistance to vulnerable Christian communities in Syria and across the broader region, with plans to achieve this through Orthodox Christian values. By addressing both immediate needs—such as food, shelter, and medical care—and investing in longer-term community development, BSI plays an instrumental role in preserving these communities and their traditions. BSI envisions initiatives that include establishing medical clinics, supporting agricultural projects, and providing vital security measures, positioning itself to deliver meaningful and impactful support as it grows.

These efforts are bolstered by BSI’s partnerships with local religious leaders, which foster trust and ensure that aid reaches those who need it most. According to the Orthodox Church in America, the Orthodox Christian ethos emphasizes compassion, community, and the pursuit of justice—principles that underpin BSI’s mission and operations (Orthodox Church in America). This faith-driven approach not only strengthens relationships with local Christian communities but also creates avenues for interfaith cooperation.

BSI aims to engage in charity work and community building as part of its overarching mission. For instance, BSI plans to provide emergency relief through food distribution, medical supplies, and temporary shelter to those affected by conflicts in the future. In collaboration with international humanitarian organizations, BSI aims to deliver essential services to both Christians and other vulnerable groups, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. By partnering with organizations like the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), BSI enhances its ability to deliver aid effectively, creating a network of support that helps strengthen and sustain communities under duress.

Fostering Peaceful Co-Existence [^2]

BSI’s mission is not confined solely to the protection of Orthodox Christians. Rather, its broader vision includes fostering peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among diverse religious and ethnic groups. This aligns with the Orthodox Christian tradition’s emphasis on peace, compassion, and service to humanity at large. BSI works closely with local communities to encourage dialogue, respect cultural norms, and promote shared values that can lead to sustained peaceful interactions. This is essential for countering the rise of extremism in the region and stabilizing communities.

The organization is also committed to supporting existing local government structures. Instead of imposing foreign governance models, BSI emphasizes strengthening local institutions, fostering confidence in these systems, and reducing the impetus for migration and refuge. Supporting local governance and focusing on bottom-up development enhances the sustainability of their efforts and helps prevent backlash or resentment, which often arises from imposed external solutions (UCLA Center for Middle East Development).

BSI’s community outreach initiatives include educational programs aimed at both children and adults. These programs focus on literacy, vocational training, and skill development, which are critical for rebuilding communities and providing individuals with opportunities for self-sufficiency. By empowering local populations with the tools they need to thrive, BSI actively works to mitigate the factors that lead to radicalization and instability. Furthermore, cultural preservation projects, such as the restoration of religious and historical landmarks, are part of BSI’s effort to maintain the cultural fabric of these communities, fostering a sense of pride and continuity.

Strategic Use of Force and Security Operations [^3]

In regions plagued by violence, BSI’s selective use of force plays a crucial role in maintaining stability. The organization’s commitment to employing force strictly for achieving well-defined operational objectives—and never as a first option—reflects its nuanced approach to security. This carefully measured strategy minimizes collateral damage and helps avoid fueling further resentment or extremism. The National Interest has argued that the strategic application of force, when combined with humanitarian efforts, is more effective in fostering long-term stability and resilience (The National Interest).

However, true stabilization efforts require more than just security operations. Recognizing this, BSI aims to work towards providing basic services—including healthcare, education, and economic opportunities—in order to address the underlying grievances that extremists often exploit. By investing in these areas and demonstrating respect for Islamic faith and culture, BSI is laying the groundwork for trust-building, cross-cultural understanding, and peaceful coexistence. Addressing the root causes of extremism is vital to creating lasting peace (Brookings).

BSI also focuses on providing targeted protection for key religious sites and communities. By ensuring that vulnerable areas are safeguarded, BSI helps preserve cultural heritage and the physical safety of communities that are at risk of violence. This approach, combined with the organization’s commitment to diplomacy and community engagement, serves to de-escalate tensions and reduce the likelihood of conflict.

Capacity Building and Technological Integration [^4]

To further enhance its operational effectiveness, BSI is focused on expanding its resources and capabilities. One of the organization’s priorities is establishing additional medical clinics in under-served areas, which would improve access to healthcare and serve as a symbol of hope and resilience for affected communities. Additionally, investing in renewable energy projects can provide sustainable power for agricultural initiatives and local communities, thus supporting economic recovery and resilience.

Technology also plays a pivotal role in BSI’s operations. The integration of advanced technologies such as drones for supply delivery and reconnaissance enhances BSI’s capacity to conduct complex missions in challenging environments. BSI intends to use UAVs for mapping and situational awareness to reduce risk for its operatives and ensure timely delivery of essential supplies, particularly in areas that are difficult to access. Furthermore, the development of a robust information and communication technology infrastructure, potentially leveraging platforms like the Sahana First Response system, would significantly improve coordination and operational efficiency (The Guardian).

BSI’s technological initiatives also extend to intelligence gathering and operational analysis. By leveraging satellite imagery, UAVs, and data analytics, BSI is able to gather critical information that supports both humanitarian efforts and security operations. The organization’s Intelligence and Tactical Operations Division (ITOD) uses cutting-edge technology to monitor and respond to emerging threats, thus providing rapid situational awareness and effective response planning. Additionally, BSI’s deployment of the Romegas Intelligence Application, a Software as a Service (SAAS) platform, helps centralize data collection and analysis, enabling efficient and informed decision-making in real-time.

Building Resilience and Sustainable Development [^5]

Beyond immediate crisis response, BSI’s initiatives are centered on building resilience. By supporting local agriculture, BSI helps communities become self-reliant and less dependent on external aid. This approach is crucial for reducing food insecurity and creating economic opportunities that can stabilize communities. BSI’s agricultural initiatives also support efforts to mitigate climate-related challenges, which are increasingly contributing to instability in the region.

BSI has identified sustainable agriculture as a key driver for long-term stability. The organization collaborates with local farmers and agricultural cooperatives to provide training, tools, and seeds that are suited to the local environment. These efforts are complemented by investments in water conservation and irrigation systems, which are critical for ensuring food production in drought-prone areas. Through these initiatives, BSI aims to bolster food security, create employment opportunities, and enhance the economic resilience of local communities.

Reconstruction and sustainable development are at the heart of BSI’s long-term strategy. By focusing on rebuilding war-torn communities and working within existing socio-political frameworks, BSI contributes to the broader effort of state-building, reducing the conditions that lead to recurring cycles of violence and migration (Conflict Research Programme).

BSI plans to invest in education and vocational training as part of its sustainable development initiatives. By equipping young people with skills that are in demand, such as carpentry, plumbing, and IT, BSI aims to create employment opportunities that are essential for rebuilding the local economy. These initiatives not only provide individuals with livelihoods but also help reduce the recruitment pool for extremist groups by offering alternative pathways to prosperity and stability.

Partnerships and Strategic Alliances [^6]

To achieve its goals, BSI collaborates with a range of stakeholders, including NGOs, local authorities, and international organizations. These partnerships are crucial for enhancing the scope and impact of BSI’s operations. For example, BSI’s partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) helps facilitate infrastructure reconstruction projects, while collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that medical aid and services meet international standards. Working closely with these partners allows BSI to integrate its efforts into a broader strategy of regional stability and development.

Furthermore, BSI engages with local communities to identify their specific needs and develop tailored solutions. This community-based approach ensures that the organization’s interventions are culturally appropriate and have local buy-in, which is crucial for their sustainability. By involving local leaders and community members in the decision-making process, BSI fosters a sense of ownership that is vital for long-term success.

Capacity Expansion and Future Plans [^7]

To further enhance its operational capabilities, BSI aims to expand its presence in the region by establishing more field offices and operational bases as part of its long-term growth strategy. These facilities will serve as hubs for training, coordination, and the distribution of aid. BSI intends to establish these bases in strategic locations to maximize their future impact and ensure rapid response capabilities. Each base will be equipped with medical facilities, communication centers, and logistical support units to enable efficient operations in remote or conflict-affected areas.

In addition to physical expansion, BSI also plans to enhance its training programs. The organization plans to establish a dedicated training center that will offer courses in areas such as emergency medical response, conflict resolution, and humanitarian logistics. This training center will not only serve BSI personnel but will also be open to local community members, enhancing local capacity for emergency response and community resilience.

BSI also plans to invest in the development of its workforce. By providing advanced training and professional development opportunities for its staff, BSI aims to ensure that its teams are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to operate effectively in challenging environments. The organization’s commitment to continuous improvement and learning helps maintain high standards of service delivery and operational excellence.

Conclusion [^8]

BSI’s adherence to Orthodox Christian values, respect for local governance, and strategic approach to security and community development aims to position it as a formidable force for positive change in the Middle East. By expanding its resources, enhancing its technological capabilities, and focusing on building resilient communities, Black Shield International aims to play a vital role in supporting the Antiochian Orthodox Church, preserving Christian heritage, and promoting stability in Syria and beyond. Ultimately, BSI’s mission is about more than just defense—it is about creating hope, fostering resilience, and championing the balance of faith, service, and stability in one of the world’s most complex regions.

Through its efforts in community development, education, and sustainable agriculture, BSI is laying the foundation for long-term peace and prosperity. By building partnerships with local and international organizations, investing in technology, and focusing on the well-being of vulnerable communities, BSI is creating pathways to stability that go beyond immediate relief. In a region that has seen decades of conflict and turmoil, BSI’s multifaceted approach offers a holistic solution that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of instability.

As BSI looks to the future, its focus on expanding operational capacity, enhancing technological integration, and fostering local partnerships will be key to its success. By staying true to its core values and adapting to the evolving needs of the communities it serves, Black Shield International stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, championing the principles of faith, service, and stability across the Middle East.

[^1]: Black Shield International’s faith-driven initiatives are inspired by Orthodox Christian values and the mission to serve vulnerable communities. Sources: Orthodox Church in America (link), International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).

[^2]: BSI promotes peaceful coexistence among diverse communities through initiatives that emphasize dialogue and cultural respect. Source: UCLA Center for Middle East Development (link).

[^3]: Strategic use of force is considered only as a last resort, complementing humanitarian efforts to achieve stability. Sources: The National Interest (link), Brookings (link).

[^4]: BSI aims to leverage technology, including drones and communication systems, to enhance their operational capabilities. Source: The Guardian (link).

[^5]: Building resilience through sustainable development, agriculture, and local training is a key part of BSI’s long-term strategy. Source: LSE Conflict Research Programme (link).

[^6]: Partnerships with international and local stakeholders enhance the effectiveness of BSI’s initiatives. Sources: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Health Organization (WHO).

[^7]: Future plans include regional expansion and establishing more operational bases to maximize impact. Supporting information based on strategic growth considerations for regional impact.

[^8]: BSI’s ultimate mission focuses on promoting stability, preserving Christian heritage, and fostering resilient communities in the Middle East. Sources: Strategic mission overview, Orthodox Church values, and sustainable development principles.